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COVID-19 Update: Revised Treatment Authorizations and Vaccine News

Early this week, the FDA revised authorizations for bamlanivimab/etesevimab and REGEN-COV due to their ineffectiveness against the Omicron variant. These treatments are not authorized to be used at this time.

Early this week, the FDA revised authorizations for the monoclonal antibody treatments bamlanivimab/etesevimab and REGEN-COV due to their ineffectiveness against the Omicron variant. With Omicron making up 99% of U.S. cases, these treatments are not authorized to be used at this time. Read more in IDPH's COVID-19 Therapeutics Brief

On Tuesday, OSHA announced its withdrawal of the vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard (ETS) issued on November 5 for large employers. The withdrawal went into effect Wednesday. The agency notes it is not withdrawing the proposed rule; it is prioritizing its resources to finalize a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard. 

First recommended in October, the CDC has reinforced its message that immunocompromised individuals are eligible for a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. In other vaccine news, Moderna has started its first clinical trial for a modified vaccine specifically targeting the Omicron variant. 

CDC data shows booster doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 90% effective at preventing hospitalization from Omicron. A recent study from Pfizer and the University of Texas found high levels of antibodies up to four months after a booster dose.


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