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Volunteer Opportunities

Connect and collaborate with colleagues from across the state by lending your time and expertise through one of these volunteer opportunities.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, complete our volunteer survey to tell us all of your volunteering interests. IPA staff will reach out to you when there is an opening.


Serving as a delegate in the IPA House of Delegates is your opportunity to have a voice and be part of the policy adoption process for the profession. The House meets each year during the IPA Annual Meeting to debate and adopt policy based on recommendations from IPA’s Policy Committees and business brought forward by members. For more information on the IPA House of Delegates and how to become a delegate, click here.

IPA Journal Author or Peer-Reviewer

The Journal of the Iowa Pharmacy Association is IPA’s quarterly peer-reviewed publication. The Journal welcomes manuscripts from members from all practice settings and areas of expertise. In addition, you have the opportunity to use your particular experience and contribute as a peer-reviewer for the Journal. Learn more about contributing to the Journal or becoming a peer-reviewer.

IPA Events – Welcome Committee

IPA holds a variety of events every year. These events are great opportunities to network and engage with pharmacy professionals from across the state. As a member of the Welcome Committee, you will serve as a point-of-contact for first time attendees. You will be there to welcome and greet first time attendees, answer any questions, and help facilitate networking opportunities throughout the meeting.

New Member Welcome Committee

This committee will serve as a mentor to welcome new members, answer questions, and help ensure new members are aware and take advantage of the opportunities IPA has to offer.

Not sure? No problem.

Just let us know what your interests are. Projects, practice initiatives, and volunteer opportunities pop up throughout the year, and we are always looking for interested members. Complete our volunteer survey to tell us all of your volunteering interests.