For Technicians
Pharmacy technicians are healthcare professionals that are essential members to the pharmacy team. Pharmacy technicians practice in a wide variety of pharmacy settings, including community settings such as chain or independent pharmacies, hospitals, home health care, long term care, nuclear pharmacy and managed health care facilities. Expanding pharmacy technicians’ roles is critical to evolving the pharmacy practice model.
Tech Tidbits e-Newsletters – IPA Pharmacy Technician members receive a monthly electronic Tech Tidbits newsletter. Tech Tidbits are concise, easy to read, ‘tidbits’ of information that aid in the ongoing professional development of pharmacy technicians including information on current drug shortages and upcoming brand-to-generic conversions.
Tech Tidbits e-Newsletters – IPA Pharmacy Technician members receive a monthly electronic Tech Tidbits newsletter. Tech Tidbits are concise, easy to read, ‘tidbits’ of information that aid in the ongoing professional development of pharmacy technicians including information on current drug shortages and upcoming brand-to-generic conversions.