Pharmacy Day on the Hill
February 5, 2025
Embassy Suites • Iowa State Capitol
Des Moines, IA
Join pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians in face-to-face grassroots advocacy, and help fill our state capitol with white coats! IPA’s Pharmacy Day on the Hill (previously Legislative Day) is the cornerstone of the association’s legislative and public policy efforts.
2025 Schedule (Subject to Change)
10:00-10:15 AM Welcome & Introductions10:15-11:00 AM Advocacy 101 – Legislative Briefing
IPA’s advocacy team will provide a quick summary of our recorded legislative briefing and lead a Q&A session. Attendees should watch the legislative briefing or listen to the latest episode of the What, Why & How podcast prior to this session.
11:00 AM Break
11:15-11:45 AM Keynote Address by Brenna Bird, Iowa Attorney General
11:45 AM-12:15 PM IPA Legislative Awards Presentation
IPA will award our Good Governance Award to a legislator who has worked closely with IPA on pharmacy and health care issues and who has shown dedicated service to improving healthcare for Iowans. IPA will also recognize an IPA member who has made significant contributions to IPA’s advocacy efforts with the Champion Advocate Award.
12:15-1:15 PM Legislative Panel & Lunch
This is an exclusive opportunity to hear directly from Iowa legislators on issues affecting health care and pharmacy. This year’s panel includes Representative Brett Barker (District 51), Representative Brent Siegrist (District 19), and Senator Mike Klimesh (District 32).
1:15-3:55 PM Capitol Hill Visits
Pharmacist and student pharmacist attendees will be paired up in advance of the Capitol Hill visits. Attendees will travel by bus to the Iowa State Capitol to meet with their state legislators. **Students – Submit your home address HERE to be paired with a pharmacist from your legislative district.
*All attendees are encouraged to contact their legislators in advance to schedule a meeting during this time block. Pharmacist mentors will be introduced to form small groups prior to departing for the Capitol.
4:00 PM IPA Group Photo
Meet at the stairs of the Capitol Rotunda for a group picture. Photo taken at 4:00 sharp – Please arrive five minutes early. White coats are encouraged.
4:00-6:00 PM Legislative Reception
Enjoy the opportunity to further connect with your legislators and other key leaders as we conclude the day back at the Embassy Suites.
Thank You Sponsors
Review 2025 sponsorship opportunities here. Contact Kellie Staiert ( for more information.