IPA Names Isabelle Tharp as its 2020 Executive Intern
- By: IPA
- On: 06/02/2020 16:35:10
- In: IPA Updates
- Comments: 0
IPA has named Isabelle Tharp, a student pharmacist from Drake University, as the association's 2020 Max W. Eggleston Executive Intern in Association Management.
The Iowa Pharmacy Association would like to welcome Isabelle Tharp, a student pharmacist from Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, as the association's 2020 Max W. Eggleston Executive Intern in Association Management. During her 12-week internship, Tharp will be actively involved in several association initiatives and events, including IPA's virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
Tharp is a second-year student pharmacist at Drake University from Dubuque, Iowa. During pharmacy school, she has been extremely involved in the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). Currently, Tharp works at Methodist West Hospital and has served as a Legislative Intern for State Representative John Forbes at the Iowa State Capitol.
Tharp stated, “I have seen how advocacy efforts from the pharmacy community influences legislators and their decision-making on legislation. While at IPA this summer, I hope to find ways to promote advocacy efforts among IPA members and learn how I can better serve the profession of pharmacy.”
The Max W. Eggleston Executive Internship in Association Management is a twelve-week program held each summer at IPA. Developed in 1978, the internship provides an educational experience in professional association management and broad exposure to the professional and educational issues confronting the profession of pharmacy. It is supported by the IPA Foundation.
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