Pharmacy Bills Clear Legislative Funnel
- By: IPA
- On: 03/05/2021 13:19:26
- In: Legislative Updates
- Comments: 0
Today marks the end of the first legislative funnel deadline in Iowa. If bills have not been reported out of the committee they were assigned to, they are no longer eligible for consideration this session. House and Senate committees were especially busy this week as the deadline neared. Bills to advance the profession of pharmacy and reign in PBMs were among the bills considered by lawmakers in committee this week.
IPA's bill to reign in harmful PBM practices was moved out of the House Commerce Committee unanimously. HSB 228 will help limit negative reimbursement for pharmacies, restrict onerous PBM fees, denials, and copayments, and afford patients protection from detrimental PBM practices. Thank you to all of you who reached out to your House member to ask for their support of the bill.
HSB 91, the House version of IPA's bill to expand pharmacist immunizations, create a statewide protocol for test and treat, and establish broad collaborative practice authority, advanced out of the House Human Resources committee. After much deliberation, the bill was amended to lower the permitted age for test and treat to six and above. However, several committee members expressed objection to lowering the age for which pharmacists can prescribe immunizations. This section was amended out of the House version but remains in the Senate bill.
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