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The Journal of the Iowa Pharmacy Association (JIPA) invites submission of manuscripts concerning topics of interest to the membership of the Iowa Pharmacy Association, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other health professionals.

Download: Style Guidelines | Assignment of Copyright form

Article Categories

Research Reports: Original research involving medication effectiveness, safety, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, interactions, adherence and use, and pharmacy practice. Meta-analyses are also considered research. Limitations of studies must be stated in the text. All reports must include, when applicable, a statement in the Methods section that the work was conducted in compliance with Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Research Committee requirements. Maximum length  3500 words.
Review Articles: Comprehensive, significant, critical, and analytical reviews that include essential information on a well-delineated subject. Reviews must synthesize and critically evaluate available data rather than simply describing the findings. Maximum length 3500 words
Case Reports: New or unusual events in one or more patients that expand the knowledge about common disease states or provide significant information about drug safety, adverse reactions, interactions, or usage. Clinical and laboratory data and concurrent medications or diseases should be documented. Before submitting a report of an adverse drug reaction, the Naranjo ADR probability scale (Clin Pharmacol Ther 1981;30:239-45) or other validated and appropriate scale should be used to assess the likelihood that the events were drug-related.
Special Contributions: Articles on unusual, topical, or historical subjects concerning the profession of pharmacy. Contact IPA prior to submission. 

Manuscript Submission

Submissions should be made electronically as a Microsoft Word document to Emmeline Paintsil, IPA's Director of Professional Affairs (email:​). Combine title page, abstract, text, references, and table(s) into a single document prior to online submission. Art (e.g., figures, photographs) must be computer-generated or scanned in high resolution (see also "Figures"). Each figure should be submitted as a separate electronic file.
Cover letter: All cover letters must include the following:
  • Name of corresponding author with full mailing address, telephone, and fax numbers, and email address;
  • Article category preference (see "Article Categories");
  • Brief explanation of the topic's significance to patient care;
Assignment of Copyright: Authors must transfer all rights, title, and interest to their manuscript to IPA by using the Assignment of Copyright form. All authors of a manuscript must sign this form and fax to IPA headquarters (515-270-2979).
Acknowledgment: Persons who have contributed significantly to the substance of the paper, but whose contributions do not justify authorship, should be acknowledged. Acknowledgment of technical writers must include their sources of funding. Authors must ensure that all persons named in the acknowledgment, excluding those providing financial or technical support, have agreed in writing to be named.
Permission to use copyrighted material: Written permission (original stamp/signature) from the publisher, organization, or person who holds copyright is necessary for use of previously published tables, figures, or other copyrighted material.
Informed consent: Identifying information should not be present in written descriptions or photographs of persons unless considered essential for scientific purposes. In such cases, written informed consent from the person must be obtained by the authors, with documentation included with manuscript submission.
Duplicate publication: Work that has been published or is described in an article submitted for publication elsewhere may not warrant further consideration. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to inform the editor about all submissions and previous reports describing the same work.
Conflict of interest statement: Authors must report any conflicts of interest including, but not limited to, consulting fees, paid expert testimony, employment, grants, honoraria, patents, royalties, stocks, or other financial or material gain that may involve the subject matter of the manuscript. If there are no conflicts, authors should make a statement of this fact.