One strategy to address the country’s opioid abuse epidemic is to increase access to the life-saving opioid antidote, naloxone.
IPA successfully advanced legislation in 2016 to allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone under a statewide standing order. In addition, IPA successfully advanced additional legislation in 2018 to allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone under a statewide protocol. Following passage of the new laws, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and Department of Public Health adopted rules and a standing order and a statewide protocol.
To help pharmacies participate in the statewide standing order or the statewide protocol and provide naloxone to caregivers in their communities, IPA has created this webpage with all of the resources needed for pharmacies to get ready, set, and GO!
IPA successfully advanced legislation in 2016 to allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone under a statewide standing order. In addition, IPA successfully advanced additional legislation in 2018 to allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone under a statewide protocol. Following passage of the new laws, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and Department of Public Health adopted rules and a standing order and a statewide protocol.
To help pharmacies participate in the statewide standing order or the statewide protocol and provide naloxone to caregivers in their communities, IPA has created this webpage with all of the resources needed for pharmacies to get ready, set, and GO!
Get Ready:
(Background information to understand Iowa’s naloxone rules and statewide standing order)- Board of Pharmacy FAQ
- Board of Pharmacy Rules
- Statewide Protocol (Updated 7/14/2021)
- Statewide Standing Order (updated 9/21/2019)
- 2/2/2 Webinar: Naloxone for Pharmacists
- BOP Podcast Episode #3
- BOP Podcast Episode #18
Get Set:
(Training pharmacy staff; marketing the service to your community; template policy & procedures)- Template policies and procedures (member login required)
- Obtain your NPI as a pharmacist
- Verify your professional liability covers participation in these services
- CEImpact Naloxone-Related Trainings
- Training Devices
- AdaptPharma: Email with your name, company, address, and the number of training devices desired.
- Evzio: Complete this form
- Evzio training video
- No physical devices currently available (8/25/2020)
- Evzio training video
- Pharmacy Marketing (digital documents to customize by your pharmacy with logo, address)
- To your patients:
- To your community:
- Draft Letter to the Editor
- Flyers to share with local providers, law enforcement, community centers, schools, churches, etc.
IPA Opioid Safety & Naloxone Use Brochure
IDPH Opioid Overdose Recognition & Response - Patient/Caregiver Education (Spanish)
(Operationalize the naloxone service in your pharmacy)- Payment Determination Flowchart – Statewide Standing Order (member login required)
- Payment Determination Grid – Statewide Protocol (member login required)